Massage Therapy: Mild Frontal TBI

There has been some progress recently in strategies to aid recovery from mild Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI. Damage to the frontal cortex is one of the most challenging to overcome. In a frontal brain injury, it may be hard for the person to regulate their emotional states, make good decisions, notice details, or speak clearly. Challenges with memory, social skills, planning and reasoning deficits make it hard to act appropriately or accomplish goals. However, regulating emotional states has been identified as the single largest issue in quality of life with TBI focus groups.

Doctors used to believe that adults could not regenerate neurons or brain cells. Recent research has suggested that adult brains are capable of far greater adaptive capacity, or neuroplasticity, than once believed. Targeted body-based therapies, are an emerging element. How can I, as a massage therapist help? Massage and exercises that are designed to gently stimulate affected or related brain structures without fatiguing or overloading the nervous system, will help the person rewire their brain circuits, which then strengthens their ability to regulate emotions, improve memory and feel more balanced.

By accident, I found some techniques I had used in my own recovery from TBI were helpful with a client. I enrolled in a year-long course: Functional Neurology for Bodyworkers, taught by Dr. Paul Thomas, He is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist and graduate of the Carrick Institute. I learned mini-neurological assessments and adapt the modalities I use with other clients: massage, Ortho-Bionomy®, Reiki, body-mind-emotional integration, and neuromuscular techniques. I monitor when a person’s nervous system is getting fatigued, using a pulse/oximeter, and modify techniques, pace, depth, or area of the body to achieve greater benefit.

There are now many resources for people struggling with adapting to a new life after TBI. I am grateful to  be among them. You may make an appointment with me online: I will refer you to others if what you need is beyond my scope of practice.

Thank you.

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